Feature: Local Women share BIG ideas via Fort Wayne SOUP

 By Deborah Gerbers

Fort Wayne’s SOUP (Socializing, Organizing, Uniting, People) is a local organization dedicated to fostering community and raising funds for creative projects that enhance Fort Wayne living.

The organization gives local project leaders a platform in the form of a micro-grant event, to pitch their ideas in a presentation, followed by a discussion and question/answer period to further educate the community about their particular project and mission. Audience members then vote for their favorite presentation, and the winner is gifted all the money collected from tickets sales, plus matching sponsorship funds. In 2020, the organization shifted its events online and will continue in that format through the first half of 2021.

SOUP gives Fort Wayne entrepreneurs, small business owners, artists, and the like the opportunity to inform the Fort Wayne community about their ventures and beneficial impacts on the city. Three women-led projects to note have all been involved with SOUP:

Meg Ryan, Southwest Honey Co.

Meg and her volunteer-operated organization won the SOUPer STARS championship event in 2020. This event pitted past winners and fan favorites against each other for the ultimate title. Southwest Honey was initiated to help conserve the local pollinator population and partners with organic farmers and natural property owners in the Fort Wayne area. Proceeds go towards creating sustainable habitats for pollinators, promoting awareness of their population decline and educating the public on ways they can help. Southwest Honey offers various educational programs for school-aged children, seniors and everyone in between who are interested in learning more about the honeybee and its important role in the environment. In addition to learning about these busy pollinators, you can also explore some neat uses for honey— locally crafted beer, handmade candles, natural foods and much more.

“It is an honor to be at the helm of Southwest Honey Co., as we work tirelessly to ensure that educational opportunities are made available to the Fort Wayne community that focus on making people aware of the interconnectedness of our ecosystem, the decline of pollinators, and how it connects to the food we eat and our local agriculture systems,” said Ryan. “As a female leader in the community, I feel it’s important to engage young people through our Explore the Honey Bee program and it’s being part of community initiatives such as Fort Wayne SOUP that empower us to reach more kids and spread the good word about pollinators.”

For more information, visit southwesthoneyco.com

Lisa Fabian, St. Joseph Missions

St. Joseph Missions was also a part of SOUPER Stars event and won an event in 2020. The organization began in 2013 with the grass roots effort of Catholics on a Mission, offering meals and hope to the homeless in downtown Fort Wayne. Over time, this has transformed into a movement for the community and offers help to those most in need. St. Joseph Missions Women’s Shelter is a project of St. Joseph Missions, and will become Fort Wayne’s first 24/7/365 emergency shelter for single homeless women. It will provide a safe, supportive, and structured environment that honors women’s dignity and empowers them to become self-sufficient.

“After serving on the St. Joseph Missions Board since December of 2018, I was hired as executive director on February 1, 2020–and presented at Fort Wayne SOUP on February 20,” Fabian said. “We were thrilled to win $800 to be used for the island in our shelter kitchen, where our guests will learn how to prepare healthy meals on a budget–and forge those special bonds that arise from preparing and sharing a meal together.”

Visit stjosephmissions.org for more information.

Alex Hall, Art This Way

Art this Way is a volunteer-based organization that operates under the umbrella of the Downtown Improvement District and was a part of SOUPER stars event. Alex serves as the organization’s manager and is also an artist and muralist herself. Art this Way partners with local artists and works to raise funds and act as the liaison between property owners and artists to bring large scale professional art installations to Fort Wayne. 

“I feel public art can benefit the community as a whole,” said Alex. “We want to educate the people of Fort Wayne to understand the value of public art and its positive impact on the city. Public art can make a big difference in people’s daily lives, and we hope to increase public awareness of these programs. We want to show people how art can be beneficial in so many different ways, and I feel that SOUP aligns with our mission in an altruistic sense to bettering our community on many levels.”

Check out artthiswayfw.com for more information.

Fort Wayne SOUP is now accepting proposals for its 2021 event. Find out more at fortwaynesoup.org.
